Legal, Financial and Policies

BHBIA Articles of Association

The BHBIA is a private company limited by guarantee.

The Articles of Association set out the rules according to which the company must be run and administered. This section includes the Objects (aims/objectives) and information about membership and management of the company. 

Audited Accounts and AGM

Full BHBIA members can view the audited accounts of the Company and AGM notices/minutes.

BHBIA Policies

These policies give guidance to those involved in the organisation and running of BHBIA initiatives and activities or who may come into contact with BHBIA members or staff:

  • The Expenses & Honoraria Policy covers guidelines and processes for claiming expenses incurred on BHBIA business, and guidance on when honoraria payments for speakers may be appropriate.
  • The Guidelines for ensuring that BHBIA training is non-promotional give practical guidance on how to ensure that BHBIA training sessions are unbiased/non-promotional and kept separate from sales activities.
  • The Complaints Policy explains the process to follow if someone wishes to make a complaint about a BHBIA member company/individual or a BHBIA service.
Competition Law Guidance

Membership of the BHBIA necessarily includes a number of members who are at the same level of the business market, in other words they are business ‘rivals’ either actually or potentially. This means that there is a very real risk of potential infringements of competition law. This guidance is in place to try and prevent behaviour that brings about such risk. 

Note: If you are looking for information on the legal aspects of conducting business intelligence (including market research and data analytics), please see the Guidelines & Legislation section of our website.