Quick Guides - Market Research

'Quick Guides' based on the BHBIA Legal and Ethical Guidelines and other key healthcare market research topics

The BHBIA's Market Research 'Quick Guides' cover key topics in a simple, quick reference format for your own use or for handing to colleagues, clients or suppliers.

Please note that the Quick Guides only provide an overview of the key points on each topic. Please refer to the latest full BHBIA Legal and Ethical Guidelines for more detail.

Generally the Quick Guides are based solely on content from the Legal and Ethical Guidelines but occasionally we produce guides that cover additional material which may be useful to members, e.g. 'Keeping Respondents and Fieldworkers Safe When Undertaking Face-to-Face Market Research'.

Click on the links below to see details of the Quick Guides and download the documents in print-ready pdf format.

A document to help those planning to conduct market research projects in the UK aimed at facilitating project progress through UK approval.

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A summary of the key sections of the BHBIA's Legal and Ethical Guidelines that pertain specifically to conducting market research with patients.

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Our members are often asked to undertake the UK arm of an international market research survey, but find that what can and can't be done is different overseas. This leaflet will help you to understand the differences. It draws upon EphMRA's Code of Conduct in conjunction with the BHBIA's Legal and Ethical Guidelines.

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Overall summary of key principles that need to be addressed when conducting fieldwork - this will be particularly useful for companies or individuals involved primarily in fieldwork, especially those who are less familiar with the whole research process.

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This covers some key aspects to consider when undertaking face-to-face market research and is especially relevant to situations where environmental factors or respondent/recruiter vulnerability may pose a risk.

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Overall of the key elements that need to be addressed when fieldwork is observed or recorded - this will be particularly useful for companies or individuals involved primarily in fieldwork, especially those who are less familiar with the whole research process.

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This guide is intended for those working outside UK market research functions – e.g. marketing or global colleagues - and should be handed out prior to observation of fieldwork.

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This quick guide highlights important points in the BHBIA Guidelines to be aware of when carrying out market research using social media.These points are in addition to the steps you should take when undertaking research with any participant. It covers Passive (listening and scraping) and Active (engaging with participants) research.

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Consent is the freely given specific and informed agreement by a person (i.e. the ‘data subject’ or ‘respondent’) to take part in the MR and for the processing of their personal data. This guide summarises what you need to know (and includes all the new requirements under GDPR).

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Disclosure requires pharmaceutical companies to make publicly available the details of MR-related payments, on a named basis, IF the identities of HCPs or HCOs who take part in the MR are intentionally known or disclosed to the pharmaceutical company. This summary outlines the basics of the requirements.

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This guide is suitable for anyone who needs an overview of the adverse event, product complaint and special reporting situation reporting requirements that apply to market research conducted in the UK.

The Quick Guide has been updated in line with February 2021 changes to the ABPI/BHBIA Guidance notes on collecting adverse events, product complaints and special reporting situations during market research. The guidance now includes medical devices.

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A checklist of the key documentation/agreements that need to be in place for a market research project - and who (client or agency) should normally provide each of these.

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