Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Healthcare Market Research - Pro Formas
These pro formas are taken from the latest BHBIA Legal and Ethical Guidelines, produced by the BHBIA's Ethics & Compliance Committee. The Guidelines have been rewritten to ensure that GDPR requirements are clarified throughout each stage of the market research process.
We are making the pro formas available in Word format, so that you can quickly and easily copy sections of the text and adapt it to fit with your own templates.
The following pro formas are available:
- Pro Forma 1 – Recruitment Script Template to be used with Recruitment Agreement
- Pro Forma 2 – Recruitment Agreement to be used with Recruitment Script
- Pro Forma 3 – Disclosure Consent
- Pro Forma 4 – Receipt of Reimbursement
- Pro Forma 5 – Sales Aid Testing
- Pro Forma 6 – Respondent Permission Allowing Client Access to Fieldwork
- Pro Forma 7 – Client Agreement to Safeguard Confidentiality of Recordings
- Pro Forma 8 – Observer Agreement
Download the proformas here:
The BHBIA’s Ethics & Compliance Committee is providing this guidance as general information for its members. It is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice should be taken in relation to any specific legal problems or matters. Whilst every reasonable effort is made to make sure the information is accurate, no responsibility for its accuracy or for any consequences of relying on it is assumed by the BHBIA. We do expect to update our guidance on the GDPR as more information becomes available.