1. STEP 1


  2. STEP 2


Working through this programme

Different companies take different approaches to reviewing market research materials.

The following pages try to cover all approaches; however please note that the information given is not intended to be exhaustive.

Look out for the following:

.... Here you will find useful tips on things to be aware of and pitfalls to watch out for.

Before starting the programme, we recommend that you download the full BHBIA Legal & Ethical Guidelines for Healthcare Market Research document for reference.

  • When reviewing the Guidelines (including the pop-up excerpts via the orange links in the training slides) please note that the changes made since the last major update are indicated with coloured arrows.

You can also find a short Glossary of Key Terms here (there is a more detailed glossary within the Guidelines document).

At the end you will find some ‘knowledge check’ questions, but, unlike the BHBIA’s two programmes for market researchers, there is no formal competency test.