Online Test & Certification FAQ

Your questions answered

Are you logged in? You will need to be logged in as a member, certified non-member or registered user to view the training slides. If you've forgotten your login details, you can request a username/password reminder via the login/register page at the top right of the screen. 

Are you a BHBIA member or certified non-member? Only members and certified non-members can take the tests. 

If you belong to a BHBIA member/certified non-member company but don't have a login, you must register to join your company's membership.

If you don’t belong to a BHBIA member or certified non-member company, you can register as a non-member registered user. This will give you access to the training slides but not the tests. To join the BHBIA, visit the Membership page.

Have you viewed all the slides? The 'Start Test' button will appear once you have viewed all the slides in any given training programme.

If you belong to a BHBIA member company, are logged in, have viewed all the slides and still can't access the test, please contact us at and we will help you further.

Everyone needs to view the slides, whether they are renewing or taking a course for the first time. It's vital that everyone refreshes their knowledge and is aware of any changes, however small. We will point out any new content and you can move quickly through any sections you are familiar with.

Yes. Your certificates are held in the My BHBIA section of the website. You will need to log in to view/download your certificate. You may do this at any time but we recommend that you download and save a copy as soon as you’ve completed the certification so that you have it to hand when needed and prevent any delays in accessing your certificate if you move companies.

Yes. We can help transfer your certificates. Please email us at with your new details and we will help you further.

The certificate expiry date for all tests taken on or after 1st September in any given year will automatically be updated to read 31st October of the following year once your company pays their BHBIA membership fees. Please allow two business days from payment for our system to be updated.

Your certificates will not be valid after the expiry date but you can take the tests at any time. The expiry date will be updated to 31st October of the year ahead, regardless of when you retake them during the coming year, assuming your company has paid its membership fees.

If your company has not paid its membership fees by 31st October, your certificate will no longer be valid. Your company’s membership will become ‘lapsed’ and you will not have access to the online tests or be able to download your certificates. If your company goes on to make the payment, you will regain access and your certificates will update with the new expiry date of 31st October of the year ahead. Payments can take up to two business days to process.

We recognise that this process may inconvenience a small number of members who have joined partway through the membership year and may have to retake the tests after less than 12 months. This is necessary to align you with the annual renewal process and we thank you for your understanding.

No. You need to provide a certificate with a valid expiry date. Without a valid expiry date, a client cannot distinguish between an ‘old’ certificate taken before renewals opened in September and a ‘new’ certificate taken on or after 1st September. Your company will need to pay its membership fees so that you can download a valid certificate.

No. The EPHMRA partial tests are hosted on the EPHMRA website and are independent of the timings for BHBIA certification. Your EPHMRA partial certificate will have 12 months validity from the date you take it, regardless of when this may be.

We are responding to industry needs by helping to raise standards of ethics and compliance and members must adhere to the three sets of legal and ethical guidelines. 

The online training and tests are designed to help raise your knowledge and understanding of the guidance and provide evidence of your competency. However the BHBIA does not require you to take the tests. Whether or not you take them is a matter of your company policy, a client requirement or your personal choice.

We hope that more pharma companies will recognise and accept the BHBIA tests instead of requiring company-specific training so there is more consistency across the industry.