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BHBIA Rising Stars Connect Group - January 2024

Virtual Event - via Zoom
Wednesday 31 January 2024, 12:00pm - 1:30pm

The BHBIA recognises the importance of attracting, developing and retaining the best and brightest people for healthcare BI.  The Rising Stars Connect Group is our special interest group aimed at supporting the wealth of emerging talent we have within our membership.

The group welcomes members with up to five years’ experience in healthcare business intelligence who would like to connect with, and get to know, like-minded individuals in our industry.

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 31st January 2024 via Zoom

At this meeting we are delighted to be welcoming Georgia Culley, Associate at Boxee Group and winner of the 2023 BOBI Newcomer Award, as our guest speaker.  Georgia will be sharing her experience of

What it takes to be the BHBIA's Best Newcomer

Speaking from first-hand experience Georgia will give the group her perspective on the BOBI Newcomer process by giving some insights into

  • Why members should enter the competition
  • What it is like to participate
  • What the awards ceremony was like
  • What she took away from the competition

 Georgia will also run a Q&A session so you have the chance to ask any burning questions about the day.

The timing of Georgia’s presentation to the Rising Stars Connect Group couldn’t be better because the opportunity to enter the 2024 competition is now available, full details are in the BOBI Awards section of the website.

The meeting is free for members to attend so why not book your place and get some hints and tips from a BOBI Award winner?

Online booking

To book your place click on the register for event button below. Please note you must be logged in as a member to book online.  If you belong to a BHBIA member company but don't yet have a log in please register now to join your company's membership.