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BHBIA Summer Virtual Event 2024: Patient Centricity - Words or Action?

Virtual Event - via Zoom
Thursday 05 September 2024, 14.30-17.00

This event explored the subject of patient centricity and what it means from different perspectives. Across the industry, we hear about the importance of patients being at the centre of our healthcare system and having the infrastructure in place to deliver what they need. Are these just words or does patient-centricity really exist? 

Merope Mills' campaigning has led to the introduction of Martha’s Rule, which is driving a significant change in patient care services. This event looked at how positive changes can arise from tragic circumstances. We examined what patient centricity truly means and whether we share a common understanding or if our perspectives differ based on our roles. Are we all working towards the same outcome?

Full BHBIA members can now download the slides AND tune into the recording of this event - you will need to log in to access the links and passwords - once logged in these will appear on the page below this text. 

Please note Pharmaceutical Company and Business Intelligence viewpoint slides are unavailable.

This meeting was free for BHBIA members as one of your membership benefits. Please share details with any colleagues in other departments who may be interested. 

What to expect

Welcome and introduction from event convenors Michael Hope, Anni Neumann and Paul O’Nions .

Keynote speaker Merope Mills on transforming patient care through Martha’s Rule 

Martha Mills died in 2021 after developing sepsis in hospital, where she had been admitted with a pancreatic injury after falling off her bike. Martha’s family’s concerns about her deteriorating condition were not responded to and in 2023, a coroner ruled that Martha would probably have survived had she been moved to intensive care earlier.

Martha’s mother, Merope Mills, will share her experience campaigning for Martha’s Rule, a patient safety initiative that allows patients, families and carers to access an urgent review if they are worried a person’s condition is deteriorating and their concerns are not listened to. 

Hear from speakers with different perspectives: 

  1. A patient organisation will discuss the power of the patient in today’s NHS and whether patient choice really exists.
  2. An NHS clinician will share their perception of the patient/physician relationship and how HCPs ensure patients remain at the forefront of decisions in a challenging environment. 
  3. The Pharmaceutical Company viewpoint: Most, if not all, consider themselves patient-centric, but what does this really mean? 
  4. How can we truly uncover patient insights and get closer to patient centricity in Business Intelligence

We will wrap up with a Q&A session where you can pose your questions and dive deeper with some of our speakers. 

2.30pm - Welcome and Introductions (Michael Hope, Anni Neumann and Paul O'Nions)

2.40pm - Transforming patient care through Martha’s Rule - Merope Mills

Martha Mills died in 2021 after developing sepsis in hospital, where she had been admitted with a pancreatic injury after falling off her bike. Merope and her family’s concerns about her deteriorating condition were not responded to, and in 2023 a coroner ruled that Martha would probably have survived had she been moved to intensive care earlier. Merope will share her experience in ensuring Martha’s Rule will ensure patient’s families, carers and staff will have round the clock access to a rapid review from a separate care team if they are worried about a person’s condition.

3.00pm - The 'power' of Patient Organisations in the business of drug development - Emma Sutcliffe, ISPEP

Patient organisations have become increasingly sophisticated and they have two key objectives:

  1. Support for members
  2. Contribute to the development of new medicines for patients 

Emma will share her expertise and experience from working in both pharma companies and patient organisations and how these key objectives can be achieved.  

3.20pm - The Patient/Clinician Relationship - Dr. Partha Kar, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Dr. Partha Kar will share their perception of the relationship with patients and how HCPs ensure patients remain at front and centre when making decisions in a challenging environment.

3.40pm - Break

4.00pm - Pharmaceutical Company Viewpoint - Shannon Altimari, GSK

Pharmaceutical companies consider themselves patient centric but what does this really mean?

4.20pm - Business Intelligence Viewpoint - Mark Bradley, PeopleWith

How can we truly uncover patient insights and get closer to patient centricity?

4.40pm - Questions and Answers

5.00pm - Close

Online booking

BHBIA Summer Virtual Event is free for members to attend. Click on the register for event button below.  Please note you must be logged in as a member to book online. If you belong to a BHBIA member company but don't yet have a log in please register now to join your company's membership.