BHBIA Board Update May 2022
May 24th, 2022
The BHBIA Board are here to set the strategic direction of the organisation, making sure that we are striving to meet members' current and future needs. Board directors also get involved in the practical implementation of our initiatives, supported by the executive officers and admin team.
Departing Board members
At the AGM on 16th May 2022 we said farewell and thank you to three long-standing Board members, whose wise counsel and hard work will be greatly missed:
Dan Coffin

Dan has brought huge enthusiasm and experience of the market research process to bear across a host of BHBIA activities, from chairing major meetings to helping plan the annual training and development programme. He took a particular interest in new recruits, convening our 'Getting Started in Healthcare BI' foundation course, and was instrumental in setting up the Fieldwork Forum, giving due prominence to fieldwork related issues, and a voice to this important sector of the membership.
Jenny Dawson

Jenny has supported us across a range of initiatives over the years, taking a particular interest in training and development. Jenny spent several years as Deputy Chair of the organisation, and her strong and varied pharma background has meant she's been able to add value across the spectrum of our work, from fieldwork to analytics. She also spend time as the Board link to the Ethics & Compliance Committee, providing valuable input to this important group.
Neil Reynolds

Neil's most recent contribution was in the critical position of Treasurer to the organisation, in which role he has guided us through the challenges of the last few years. In particular, Neil helped to steer us through the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping the organisation's finances healthy, whilst investing in virtual technology to ensure we could keep offering training and networking opportunities to our members. He has also held various other roles over the years, including Board link to the Ethics & Compliance Committee during the early days of its development, and Webinar lead.
New Board Members
We are delighted to welcome three new Board members:
Kruti Popat, Galapagos Biotech UK Ltd

I am delighted to be joining the BHBIA board and look forward to contributing and working with my fellow board members to achieve our 2023 vision and deliver on our goals. I’ve always been a BHBIA advocate, and it’s great to have the opportunity to discuss, debate and learn so I’m especially thrilled to get involved with the development of the skills framework to underpin professional development and support members to fulfil their potential career paths. It’s an exciting time to be involved in healthcare business insights with the environment continuing to evolve and digital playing an increasing role, it becomes even more crucial to understand customers’ preferences and support robust decision making to shape future commercial activities.
I look forward to being involved in fruitful
thought leadership discussions on topical matters of interest for our
Bors Hulesch, Brains&Cheek (2.0) Limited

As a member since 2005, and as
the MD of a member organisation since 2010, I’ve benefitted from the
governance, training and fellowship offered by the BHBIA for 17 years.
With our company maturing, we felt it would be right for us to contribute to our business community.
I’m especially keen to support young researchers coming into the industry, with guidance and training. I’m also excited to see the best of the industry through working with the BOBI Awards committee.
Ben Walker, Adelphi Research

From starting my
career in pharmaceutical market research, the BHBIA has been a key part of my
development. The BHBIA have a number of excellent courses, interactions and
meetings throughout the year, that are critical in developing and connecting
members of the business intelligence community. I am thrilled to have received
the opportunity to become a part of the BHBIA board. I am very much looking
forward to collaborating with my fellow board members to continue to deliver
high quality interactions across the business intelligence community, and to
continue to improve the experience for BHBIA members.
In addition, Rob Heathcote & Kate Stevens have been re-elected as Agency/consultancy division Board members. Paul O’Nions and Kelly West have been re-elected as Industry division Board members, and as a previous co-opted Board member, Rachel Dixon has been elected as an Industry division member. They join Nick Coolican-Smith to make up the current Board.
As of May 2022 we still have a vacancy for an Agency/consultancy division board member - see details here
We hope you will join us in welcoming our new members to the BHBIA Board and wishing them every success!

Rachel and Ben joined Chairman Paul O'Nions and Kate Stevens on stage at the bhbia2022 Conference on 17th May for a session in which members had a chance to put their questions to some of the team. We hope that this is just the start of an increasingly open dialogue and we'd love to hear further comments and suggestions for the Board at any time.
(If you have a message for the Board or would like to contact any individual member, please email us at: and we will pass your message on as appropriate).